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The Last Supper - Dmytro Geshengorin
I shot this recreation of da Vinci’s painting in an abandoned factory building in Dortmund, Germany, that is in the process of being torn down.
Since I was often asked this question, no AI was used. All the people you see in the photo exist and were arranged behind the tables as you see them in the photo. This is a panorama shot consisting of 10 single shots in order to make sure that the resolution is high enough for a large print.
This is the only photo in this exhibition that does not
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Sundays - Dmytro Geshengorin
Snow has become rare in Germany, so I used a good part of a snowy Sunday waiting for the perfect person to enter my frame. Luckily, I was rewarded in the end.
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Of Bikes and Birds - Dmytro Geshengorin
Roaming the streets of Naples around sunrise I saw a flock of pigeons on the ground and figured that they would fly into my direction if someone came along the street from the opposite end. After some waiting and several uninteresting subjects I was lucky for having this yawning young man in a red jacket driving his motorcycle towards me resulting in one of my favourite and street photos so far.
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City Lights - Dmytro Geshengorin
Bad weather makes good photography and this is why I love shooting in rain or snow. A second favourite of mine it shooting through objects to give the photos a painterly look. So when most people tend to stay in their warm and cozy homes I go out with my camera and document the urban life around me.
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Havana Mornings - Dmytro Geshengorin
I spent several mornings on one particular corner in Havana waiting for this composition. It was not easy to take this shot with the car and man going into opposite directions. Pressing the shutter just hundreds of a second earlier or later would have destroyed the composition.
This photo with the golden car reflecting Cuba's sunshine and the man's cyan shirt reminding me of its seas is the quintessential photo from my days at this beautiful but sadly very poor island.
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X - Dmytro Geshengorin
Photographing random people on the street is difficult in Germany due to strict privacy laws. This is why as a street photographer one has to get creative and take photos where people are not recognizable like this one from Dortmund`s train station.
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A Moment in Time - Dmytro Geshengorin
I shot this photo while waiting for the composition of "Havana Mornings" two pictures to the left. Looking behind my shoulder I saw this cleaner crossing the street embedded in the most beautiful light and immeadiately shot a few frames, which luckily enough turned out sharp and correctly exposed.
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Cat and Owner - Dmytro Geshengorin
You might ask yourself how I got this shot? Sometimes I ask myself the same question. Actually it is a funny story.
I saw the cat looking out of the window and took some photos. Naturally, the cat reacted to my camera's shutter sound and looked at me, so I decided to take some more frames with the cat looking into the camera. These shots, or rather the camera shutter behind them, in turn, attracted the man in the background who peeked around the corner to take a look at what is going on. This is when I shot the final image you are looking at.
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Flight Lessons by Carlos - Dmytro Geshengorin
I met Carlos on the beach of Jericoacoara, Brazil, practising his breakdance - moves and photographed him mid flight against the backdrop of Jeri's setting sun. We still use to chat once in a while and looking at the pictures the memories of the beautiful time in Brazil and its friendly people come back into my mind.
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Napoli II - Dmytro Geshengorin
I barely managed to jump to the side before the car would have run me over, but taking the risk was worth this cinematic shot in one of Napoli's narrow alleys.
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Meeting a Stranger - Dmytro Geshengorin
I love shooting through wet and steamy windows creating a painterly effect, so when this chef in London's Chinatown looked at me I had to push the shutter and capture this intimate moment between two strangers.
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Americana - Dmytro Geshengorin
Dortmund, where I live, is not the most photogenic city but interesting compositions are still possible. I made this shot of the city`s most iconic sight in the background utilizing the wet pavement and reflections to make a boring street look interesting. The colors remind me of street photography from 1980s New York.
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Chinatown - Dmytro Geshengorin
I would have liked the fresh dumplings made by the chef, but I was busy shooting him working in London's Chinatown on this rainy night.
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Just Five More Minutes - Dmytro Geshengorin
Standing on one of Havana's highest buildings I was waiting for a lone cab to come into my frame, but either other cars would drive by or the cab would not come alone - not a composition I was looking for.
Not wanting to wait anymore, my girlfriend urged me to let it go and look for a place to eat dinner, so I suggested a compromise. We started a timer of five minutes and after that we would leave. Luckily, the cab came as I wished it before time ran out and I got the picture I had been waiting for so long.
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From Sunrise to Sunset - Dmytro Geshengorin
Cariocas love to work out and will do it from sunrise to sunset and even after that as shown in this image of one of Rio de Janeiro's outdoor beach gyms.
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Man and Chicken - Dmytro Geshengorin
Imagine the smell of Stone Town's meat market and butchery, where I shot this photo.
The locals were happy about a change of routine seeing a Mzungu, a white person, venturing off the touristic sides and beautiful beaches to see what the people's daily life is like and document it. They were happy to pose for me but I tried to capture candid, authentic moments like the one here of a man bringing chicken to the slaughterhouse nearby.
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A Smoker's Hand - Dmytro Geshengorin
Sometimes the whole is not as interesting as one of its parts.
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Homeless Dog - Dmytro Geshengorin
Homeless dog, Semporna, Borneo.
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A Game of Light and Shadow - Dmytro Geshengorin
I love mystery and try to create it with my photography. I had to wait quite a while for the guy to lean casually on the wall with shadows hiding his face.
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Holy Jesus! - Dmytro Geshengorin
A different perspective on Cristo Redentor.
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Meathead - Dmytro Geshengorin
In Germany, where I come from, meat consumption per person is almost 90kg/year, so you could say the average German man eats his body weight in meat every year. Isn't it strange though that you still are unlikely to see photos like this one in a steak restaurant?
Shot in Cusco, Peru.