André Lundquist
The Poetry of Silence
For those who decide to enter the world of his paintings, Lundquist promises a great deal of emotions. His figurative painting is sensual and timeless.
Grace, lightness, peace … are other words to describe the painting of André Lundquist. There is in his works a silent poetry that allows the viewer to enter each of them calmly, without fear. This is a real tour de force, because for the most of them, the women portraited and sketched, which he gives life to on the canvas, are presented and revealed in their intimacy. They are sitting, standing, lying, kneeling … And yet, the painter’s gesture never exudes any kind of voyeurism. These women are like stills who let under their skin pigments, behind the iris of their eyes, break a more complex story … As visual metaphors, they sometimes are the mirror of our own experiences sometimes a door open, behind which the viewer can give free rein to his / her imagination. In each of these women there are a thousand stories, a thousand situations to appropriate for one self or not.
André Lundquist
André Lundquist was born in 1972 in Copenhagen, where he received his initial training with the painter Therese Dragshøj (1909-1998). His graphic studies under the tutelage of Peter Martensen (represented by the “Galerie Danoise” in Paris) have clearly left their mark on his technique and explain his penchant for creating tensions between the characters which he paints and the surface of the canvas on which they are painted.
In 1999, he was the recipient of a scholarship from the Beckett Foundation. As part of the prize he had a residency in Southern Spain at the Valparaiso Fondación. He used that stay to seek new sources of inspiration. From this trip as well as many stays in the South of France, he withhold some feelings and sensations, which he later released and translated into light and colors. For those who decide to enter the world of his paintings, Lundquist promises a great deal of emotions. His figurative painting is sensual and timeless.
Grace, lightness, peace … are other words to describe the painting of André Lundquist. There is in his works a silent poetry that allows the viewer to enter each of them calmly, without fear. This is a real tour de force, because for the most of them, the women portraited and sketched, which he gives life to on the canvas, are presented and revealed in their intimacy. They are sitting, standing, lying, kneeling … And yet, the painter’s gesture never exudes any kind of voyeurism. These women are like stills who let under their skin pigments, behind the iris of their eyes, break a more complex story … As visual metaphors, they sometimes are the mirror of our own experiences sometimes a door open, behind which the viewer can give free rein to his / her imagination. In each of these women there are a thousand stories, a thousand situations to appropriate for one self or not.
Lundquist mixes oil, ink, charcoal, crayon, wallpaper. Many overlays which give all its originality to his body of work. These palimpsests sometimes born out of a subtle pastel color palette sometimes full of vivid, bright colors, are the creations of fine colorist whose lineage goes back to the late nineteenth / early twentieth century.
Galleri Kant, THE ISLAND SHOW – EASTER EDITION. Kunstfagligt kurateret af Kerry Harm Nielsen og Anna Gram Sørensen.
Galerie L´oil du Prince, Paris, Frankrig. ” A fleur de toile” v / Yann et Laetitia Deshoulières.
Forside til bogen ” La Chambre des époux “, forfatter Èric Reinhardt, Forlag : Gallimard. Paris, Frankrig.
Galerie L´oil du Prince, v / Laetitia & Yann Deshoulières, Biarritz, Frankrig.
Gallerie AU-DELÀ DES APPARENCES, v / Christian Geux, Annecy, Frankrig.
Galleri Nobel, ” Som en del af labyrinten ll “, v / Henning Johannesen, Oslo, Norge.
Bærum Kunsthal, ” Som en del af labyrinten ” Sandvika, Norge.
Luxembourg Art Fair, v / Christian Geux. Gallerie AU-DELÀ DES APPARENCES.
Carlsberg Centre for Comtemporary Art, København. Fælles udstilling. Kurateret af Rasmus Højfeldt og Simon Ganshorn.
Galerie Albane, Nantes, Frankrig. Fælles udstilling med galleriets kunstnere.
Gallery Down To Art, ” Naos ” ,Gent, Belgien, v / Marc De Corte.
Galleri Nobel, ” Som blandt mennesker ”, Oslo, Norge, Kurateret af Henning Johannesen.
Art Up, Lille, Frankrig v / Galerie L´oil du Prince, v / Yann et Laetitia Deshoulières.
Gallery Down To Art, ” Among lines of poetry “, Gent, Belgien, Kurateret af Marc De Corte.
Gallerie AU-DELÀ DES APPARENCES, ” A fleur de peau “, Annecy, Frankrig v / Christian Geux, .
Galerie L´oil du Prince, ” Féminin Pluriel ” , Paris, Frankrig. v / Yann Deshoulières.
Galeria Art Catto, Algave, Portugal. Separat, v/ António Lourencco.
Gallery Down to Art, Gent, Belgien, v / Marc De Corte.
Book Launch & Udstilling v/ Tomorrow Management, København.
Udgivelsen af kunstbogen Før, Before, Avant – Efter, After, Après, er en bog der beskriver mit virke fra forskellige faglige vinkler. Der er i bogen bla. bidrag fra Kunsthistoriker Trine Ross, Dramatikker, Billedkunstner og forfatter Tomas Lagermann Lundme, Journalist på Kids News i Berlinske Hus Thorkil Jacobsen, Forfatter Gerd Laugesen, Journalist Lisbeth Rindholt og Arkitekt Lawrence Ebelle. Karin P. Madsen har udarbejdet alt det grafiske. Bogen er på Dansk, Engelsk og Fransk.
Galerie L´oil du Prince, Paris, Frankrig. Fælles udstilling af galleriets kunstnere, v / Yann et Laetitia Deshoulières.
Elle Magasin, Foto / maleri, i samarbejde med modefotograf Signe Vilstrup m.fl, København.
Illum, Udsmykningsopgave, i samarbejde med modefotograf Signe Vilstrup, reklamebureauet DDB, Chef for marketing i IIlum Majbritt Tornhøj og Tomorrow Management m.fl, København.
Gallery European Makers, Amsterdam, Holland.
Galeria Art Catto, Algave, Portugal. Kurateret v / António Lourenco.
Frederiksborg Slot, ” Portræt Nu ” Prinsessefløjen, gruppe. Kunstfagligt kurateret og censoreret. v/ Direktør Mette Skougaard m.fl.
Galleri Nobel ,” Quiétude ” Oslo, Norge. v / Henning Johannesen.
Galerie L´Oeil Du Prince, ” Féminin pluriel ” Paris, Frankrig. Kunstfagligt kurateret af Yann Deshoulières. Separat udstilling.
Mellem linjer, Århus. Tema; Forfatterinden Gerd Laugesens dagbog ´På lysserødt papir ´.
Ambasciata di Danimarca, Separat, Torino, Italien.
The White Wall Project, Papirøen i København. Kurateret af Rikke Sengelsø.
Nordic Artwork Gallery, San Francisco, U.S.A. Kurateret gruppe udstilling.
Galleri Nobel, Oslo, Norge. v/ Henning Johannesen.
Galleri Nobel ,Norge, Oslo. v/ Henning Johannesen.
Gallery European Makers, Amsterdam, Holland.
Gallerie Brigitte Capy, Hossegor, Frankrig.