Appearance/Emptiness - Sukhi Barber
In every moment, we are the combination of form and spirit, impermanent elements and eternal consciousness. Appearance/Emptiness demonstrates how these two realities exist side by side, each adorning the other. While form is the playful expression of mind; mind itself is the spark that animates.
Rainbowbody - Sukhi Barber
Transfiguration - Sukhi Barber
Radiance - Sukhi Barber
When the dark veils of confusion and ignorance are dispelled the radiance of wisdom and compassion shine like the sun.
Dynamic Equilibrium - Sukhi Barber
In the whirlwind of modern life, can we find stillness within activity, the peace in the centre of the storm? The sculpture 'Dynamic Equilibrium' holds the answer - a dancer, herself composed of tiny meditators, while wildly abandoned in ecstatic dance remains serenely centred in the heart.
Temple - Sukhi Barber
The body is our temple, our home for this life, and the basis for wholesome activity. However, the highest aspiration is not primarily to manifest qualities on a physical level, but rather the inner transformation of consciousness. Then, like a temple lined with shining gold, these inner qualities radiate beauty, transforming both inner and outer.
Ebb & Flow - Sukhi Barber
When settling into the ocean of mind waves will always arise – waves of concepts or emotions – this is mind's natural creative expression. If we allow these waves to roll through, and watch them dissolve naturally back into themselves, far from being a distraction, they can bring great clarity and deepen our experience. Then, like the skilled surfer, we can ride the waves.
Sunshrine - Sukhi Barber
When one rests in the state of loving kindness, the radiance of compassion is like the warmth of the sun, shining from the heart, and touching all life.
Synthesis - Sukhi Barber
We are the synthesis of the divine and the worldly, yet only when we quiet our minds, and open to direct experience, do we perceive this. As a plant opens to receive the suns rays, and in so doing offers its own energy skywards, so do we, in peaceful openness, become a channel, uniting the energies of heaven and earth.