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Sirens Song - Mark Heine
The Sirens are calling, but you have to care to hear them. Extinction is on the horizon, as the greedy few gorge themselves on the entrails of our dying world. The UN reports there are now a million species at risk of extinction. We must listen, hear and get involved to change our course. This world belongs to us all. The future belongs to our children. It's cliché but true ... if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. We're all in the same boat ... there are no more free rides.
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Bellwether, study - Mark Heine
The story point ...
In 2019 more than 140 Grey whales have washed up dead on the beaches of the west coast of North America. Scientists say that about one third of the dead actually make it ashore, so potentially we're talking about a number greater than 400. The cause is still unclear, but there is likely more than one ... climate change, loss of food, plastic pollution, phantom fishing gear, Fukushima, sonar blasts, ship strikes ... on and on, with one common denominator ... us.
We watch the whales. Their immense size in such contrast with their gentle demeanour makes them a favourite. But I suspect this is not about the whales, they are merely a bellwether for the state of marine life. Whales are big and heavy, but they are apex creatures at the top of the food chain. Systemic problems don't start at the top. Here's an amazing fact ... one third of the total weight of all life on Earth is microscopic, the base of the food chain on which all life depends. That's where the troubles begin to trickle up ... or is it down.
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Salish Zephyr, study - Mark Heine
Bound to a lonely island, offering an irresistible song to all, the winged Siren of Classical Greek mythology was suspended between land and water, life and death. She is known as the bringer of the zephyr and storm winds, and of knowledge: she understands the strange ways of “Thinair." The mythology of the Sirens – winged or finned – connects sea to land, land to air, and air back to sea. Found in the ceremonial art of ancient tombs, the winged Siren predates Homer by 5,000 years.
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The Memory of Stone - Mark Heine
The story point...
The first humans to inhabit North America crossed the Bering Sea Ice bridge and traveled down the west coast of Canada as far back as 20 thousand years ago. Whispers of their mythology and beliefs still remain through sites of ancient petroglyphs dotting the coastline. Through these brief glimpses we can reach back 20 thousand years and connect directly with the mind of an artist. Now that's what I call a legacy. Organics, such as paper, wood and canvas are expressive but can't stand the test of time at such an epic scale. None can compare to the memory of stone.
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The Evolution of Empathy - Mark Heine
The back label writing ...
For the first time, an Orphan voice from Thinair penetrates her liquid world. A saltation emerges ... a rare leap in the otherwise slow crawl of evolution. A saltation of empathy so deep it cracks wide the ocean and the sunlight of possibility floods in. She must survive. She is the hope.
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The Mariner - Mark Heine
The story point ...
A look back in time to the ancient Greek roots of Siren mythology according to Homer. But Homer's account of Sirens as femme fatal was tailored to suit the story of The Odyssey and represents one of the the mysterious supernatural threats that Odysseus and his crew would face during their epic journeys. Thanks to Homer, the Siren has become synonymous with the dangerous temptation embodied by woman, a common theme in Christian art and culture as witnessed with Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis (1:1-2:4).
For my coming Sirens book I've taken a different interpretation of the Siren myth to suit my purpose. In that cause I've designed this painting to have the viewer question their intent. We see the mariner, but is he alive or dead? We see the Sirens, but their role is ambiguous. Was the ill-fated mariner lured to his demise? Or are the Sirens gathered to mourn or even lend assistance? It's up to the viewer to write that story.
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Inundation - Mark Heine
The back label writing ...
Sea levels are rising. Aerica struggles against the inundation as she waits for hope that's nowhere to be found. The tide will eventually recede and ultimately spare her life, but the water gets a little deeper and the struggle gets a little harder every day, all around the world.
Inundation was painted to mark COP26, the UN Climate Change Conference taking place on October 31st to November 12th, 2021 in Glasgow Scotland. Click here to read "COP26 Explained"
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Shelter - Mark Heine
The story point ...
Sara's sacrifice makes plain the depth 0f her empathy. It is the great leap ... the promise first seen with the dawn of her species so many generations ago. For the first time in her life, her path forward is clear. This is the beginning, not the end.
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Shattered Peace, study - Mark Heine
The back label writing ...
As social beings we seek like-minded others for comfort, procreation and protection. That goes back to being a matter of survival for the earliest humans. One look at the frail human form will tell you that individually, we are an easy meal for predators. No claws, no horns, no fangs, we have just one weapon, our brain. It tells us to band together and united, we can be safe. But there is a dark side.
Herd mentality is the root of all evil. I believe that most people have a moral compass. That morality, combined with social accountability keep people on track and makes civilized society possible. But the magnetic draw of herd mentality can skew that moral compass. The anonymity of the crowd drives people to do unspeakable things and vent their hatred with glee, in the belief that there will be no accountability. War is exactly that. Led by the maniacal power hungry (yes that's you Vladimir), armies cast aside civilized behaviour and feel they have the right to shatter the peace and behave like animals. But there are no animals that behave like that. That special trait is only inherent in humans.
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Oxygen, study - Mark Heine
An Evolving Story.
A panicked lobe-finned ancestor raced into the shallows with a large predator snapping at its tail. Momentum drove them both into the surf, and the lobe-finned struggled up the beach on its sturdy fins, out of reach. The disappointed predator turned and scrambled back to deeper water. Still wary, the lobe-finned remained for a short time, gasping at the surf's edge. The rising tide was its salvation and it returned to the sea unharmed. After few million years, the lobe-finned who adopted this vital escape technique survived. Those who didn't, perished.
But the predators were evolving too. Eventually they learned to wait in ambush and their patience was rewarded when the gasping lobe-finned were forced to return to the sea. So the lobe-finned who adapted to survive the longest in thin air were the ones who lived. A few million generations later, returning to the sea wasn’t worth the risk.
That was 400 million years ago: the beginning of one planet split into two polarized worlds, separated by how the life forms of each, harvest the life-giving gas known as ... oxygen.
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Labyrinth - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
The story point ...
Aerica hovers close in the labyrinth, keeping watch for the threat of the opportunistic. She's done what she can to help. Any more and she risks being discovered.
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Sirenia, study - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
The story point ...
Dawn of the Siren genus. The visualization of an ancient myth, within the Sirens book ... The volume of Sirenia's mournful song finds a sympathetic ear. Her compassion is the first spark of hope, that two estranged worlds may yet become one. Her sacrifice will prove her salvation ... but there is a price to pay.
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Deliverance - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
The story point ...
This, then, is the myth realized. The hope that spawned their kind so long ago has come full circle, through the generations, to this moment, built on the evolution of empathy. The path of her expectations, so long confused and conflicted, is now clear. From the start, it was never to be her future.
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Convergence, study - Mark Heine
The story point ... A denizen of two worlds, Aerica looks out to the entrance of Turtle Bay. The horizon has vanished in the morning mist and two deeply divided worlds have melted together. Is it a premonition of things to come or just a trick of the light?
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Envoy - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
The story point ...
An envoy arrives with a message for Aerica. However his less than savoury reputation precedes him.
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Encounter - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
The story point ...
Her veil of darkness has vanished with the dawn. Sarah strains to swim as fast as possible, fighting against exhaustion. Her destination is close, but so are those in pursuit.
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Oil Tide, study - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
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Deviant - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
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Metamorphosis, study - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
The story point ...
Offspring meets Orphan ... Aerica's dream ... a vision of her potential. But also a metaphor, for the weight of expectation on her shoulders.
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Resurrection - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
The story point ...
A fable among the creatures of Mer, handed down through the generations, tells the tale of the birth of their kind. Persephone was granted the power of resurrection, in recognition of her love and sacrifice.
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Offering, study - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
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Ring of Fire - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
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Exile, study - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
The story point ...
Exiled to a life on dry land, Sirens Sarah and Aerica can do nothing but gaze out over an ocean they once called home. Does the Siren covenant exist as a barrier? Or is it the test of temptation, waiting patiently since the dawn of their kind, for one with the strength to move beyond and evolve.
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Surrender - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
The story point ...
At dawn, Sarah slips away unnoticed and makes for Village Island. Aerica has arranged a rendezvous, and will also serve as her alibi. She goes to surrender her heart.
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Three Little Birds - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
The story point ...
"Rise up this mornin',
smile with the risin' sun
3 little birds
pitch by my doorstep
"Singin' sweet songs
of melodies pure and true
sayin', this is my message to you-ou-ou" ... Bob Marley
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Salvation, study - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
The story point ...
Desperate to help her younger sister, Sarah descends to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean to plead her case to the council at Beckoning Rock. Aerica’s salvation hangs in the balance. A slim hope is better than none.
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Cascade, study - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
The story point ...
A quote from the Sirens manuscript ... "Or perhaps we were just the stream, flowing on, ambivalent to the chaos, looking for the easiest way down the mountain."
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Repentant, study
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
The story point ...
Sarah comes to terms with the gravity of the consequences they now face for their casual transgressions. They’ve flirted with the ancient Covenant, a distant fable that carries a warning from long ago. But it has become real, and her little sister is now banished forever.
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Reconcile, study - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
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Resurrection, study - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
The story point ...
A fable among the creatures of Mer, handed down through the generations, tells the tale of the birth of their kind. Persephone was granted the power of resurrection, in recognition of her love and sacrifice.
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Whisper, study - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
The story point ...
Sarah studies the exposed western shore of Village Island. This is the great barrier separating the two worlds that co-exist on a single planet. This is where it all began. Some wayward ocean dweller was chased into shallow water by predators and tossed up on the beach. Eventually it returned to the water – a most effective dodge to learn. But over time, the predators learned too. They learned patience, forcing it to remain longer and longer on land. At some point, it didn’t go back, and an Orphan was born.
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Duress, study - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
The story point ... Sarah searches desperately for a place to make landfall. Death is coming for one she loves. The decision of who it will be is forced on her.
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Ensign, study - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
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Emissary - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
The story point ...
This is the frontier, the great barrier between air and water that stands as solid as a brick wall in our psyche, mortared with our fear of the unknown. In reality, it is no more than a single molecule thick, parted by nothing more than a will. Through it, Sarah emerges as emissary from below.
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Furtive - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
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Anonymity - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
The story point ...
Anonymity is a veil to hide accountability. But is she prepared to pay the price, when that veil tears? Has she even thought what that price might be? The question is forgotten in the amnesia of greed.
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Anarchy - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
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Communion - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
The story point ...
Sirens series ... The decision which would define her, has come and gone. Sarah had chosen life, with the surrender of her own. With her sacrifice, the promise of her ancestors is finally realized. Mark Heine
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Reticent, study - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
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Hesitation - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
The story point ...
The path of life is simply one moment following another. We control our destiny with what we choose for the next moment. The problem is, the direction we choose, seldom turns out as we planned. This seemingly innocent moment's hesitation will put Aerica's life on a path of no return.
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Phantasma - Mark Heine
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Genesis, study - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
The story point ...
In the beginning, there was happiness. It's Aerica's 13th birthday. Sarah had made the same promise for years: on the day Aerica became an adult, she would take her to the beach. To experience the Evolution. To bask in the golden glow of the sun, feel the warmth of sand between toes and breathe the perfumes of Thin-Air. All the very same reasons her ancestors had left Mother Ocean the first place, so many long generations ago.
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Redemption - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
The story point ...
Sarah finally knows the path to absolution – the way to obtain a pardon for Aerica and forgiveness for their sin against the Covenant. But to get that pardon, she’s forced to do something that she believes is also a sin. Can right be made from two wrongs, or is the hole just growing deeper?
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Covenant, study - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
The story point ...
The citizens of Mer live under the restrictions of an ancient Covenant. Sarah and Aerica have Trespassed, and Aerica has been banished forever. Sarah begins her desperate and dangerous journey to Beckoning Rock to save her sister, at any cost.
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Emergence, study - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
The story point ...
Standing in the shadows of her porch, Charlotte quietly studies Aerica, standing knee deep in the water and gazing out over the bay. Expectancy hangs thick in the air. From the far side, a distinctive V-shaped wake spreads slowly across the glassy surface, moving toward Aerica. Charlotte shudders, and a chill runs down her spine as a human form breaks the surface and rises from the water.
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Despair, study - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
The story point ...Sarah is all too familiar with Aerica’s little practical jokes. She plays along with the hide-and-seek. But after a while, she realizes that this is beyond even Aerica’s sense of humour. Sarah tries to stay calm, but despair starts closing in.
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Evolution, study - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
The story point ...
A familiar feeling of euphoria begins to wash over Sarah. It's the intoxicating lure of life on land ... fly-trap nectar for the unwary. But she knows it's a fleeting sensation that just leaves you craving, like the phantom-limb itch of a tail, which can never be scratched.
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Immersion - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
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Ascension - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
The story point ...
The time has come for evolution. Her ascension represents the fulfillment of a promise that was first glimpsed at the birth of her genus, so many generations past.
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Indulgence, study - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
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Breath, study - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
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Chrysalis - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
The story point ...
Sarah moves into the shallow water, closes her eyes and waits. The familiar heat of transition begins building, and a wave of relaxation washes over her. Like the chrysalis, evolving from land-locked to airborne, but her metamorphosis will be from sea to land. Evolution or devolution, she thinks – a step forward, or back? That is a matter of opinion, based on where you call home. And that opinion is the seed of prejudice for them all.
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Confidante, study - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
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Incognito, study - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
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Solitary, study - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
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Deception, study - Mark Heine
The visualization of a key moment in my coming Sirens book. A work of fiction in the genre of Magical Realism.
The story point ...
Sarah is numb, blindsided by the depth of deception played against her and her entire family. Her situation is not an accident at all. While she fought for life, others were plotting for power. In the distance she hears her father calling, but she dives deeper into the kelp forest to hide. She needs time to think.