Małgorzata Chodakowska
Artists: Małgorzata Chodakowska
In her graceful sculptures, Malgorzata Chodakowska addresses the longing for inner peace, the search for inner balance - an ideal state that we consciously or unconsciously pursue all more or less. And so one is inevitably enthralled by their creations, which appear to us as soulful, individual beings. The human being - the measure of all things, from the ideal of the Greek high-class to the Renaissance to the present day, this theme has been devoted to whole generations of sculptors. Again and again, stimulating is the choice of motif for the dance as an expression of emotional feelings that communicate about the body language.
Chodakowska confronts us with sculptures that appear extremely differentiated in their postures and physiognomies and thus symbolize very different characters. Some appear open and self-confident, while others are fragile and withdrawn, almost melancholy. The faces change as the figures move around, inner states of mind appear even more clearly.
Her recurring theme is the so-called "Stammfrau" (loosely, "archetypal woman"), usually carved from wood to give a life-sized or slightly larger than life-sized form.
She told an interviewer in 2008, "Working with the human form enables me to feel as close as possible to the figure I am working on, and so I have the feeling that this is the form I can best compose sculpturally".