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Beggars and Saints by Dmitry Fesechko

Artists: Dmitry Fesechko

Beggars and Saints
I started my artist career as an abstract painter, then for some years I was totally absorbed in surrealism and symbolism. I also liked still life paintings and landscapes. I still do. And in all of those genres I have always tried to find answers to eternal philosophical questions that all human beings ask themselves from time to time. Or, at least, I have tried to find the visual form for the questions that could not be asked with words. The year 2017 was very important in my life. A lot of good things and bad things happened to me but all of those circumstances were leading me deeper into myself. And I guess I have started to realize those contradictions inside me and in others. To realize them and accept them. We are all “Beggars and Saints”. In December 2017 I started a series of paintings which I called Beggars and Saints. In our lives we always ask (and sometimes beg) other people or ourselves for something. And we always give something to others. Even a beggar on the street can give us a feeling of gratitude for the life that we have. And if we help him out, it may give us a feeling of comfort and a peace of mind and spirit. We are all beggars and saints not only to others but also to ourselves. The characters of this series take their origin from my own impressions. All faces are painted from imagination. Gestures of characters and different objects of the composition as well as a color composition compile visual images of a certain state of mind. Those characters are full of symbolism that helps me to invoke certain feelings inside the observer. They ask silent questions and help to find veiled answers. This series of paintings is a dissection of a human soul. First part of the Beggars and Saints series is inspired by the people of India. I have been to this wondrous land back in 2013. The trip has left its trace but some years were needed to decompound the impressions and assemble them into something new.